The City of Delaware recently completed a comprehensive transportation safety plan called, “Travel Safe Delaware: An Action Plan for Safe Streets.”
The plan identifies priorities for mitigating fatal and serious injury crashes on roadways within the City of Delaware jurisdiction. The plan was developed in alignment with current national, state, and regional guidance and priorities to help address local safety needs and provide the information necessary to obtain funding and resources to address those needs.
The City of Delaware has numerous existing plans and policies that establish and support a vision for an attractive, safe, and livable community. However, there is more work to do to transform the roads and sidewalks into a network that accommodates all modes of transportation and promotes a better, safer Delaware for people to live, work, and play.
The City of Delaware applied to the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission Technical Assistance Program to develop a safety action plan with the assistance of MORPC staff. The City intends to use this plan to achieve several strategic objectives:
- Establish an official goal for reducing fatal and serious injury crashes in Delaware and serve as a guide for prioritizing City investments in safety improvements.
- Identify specific locations throughout the community that need safety improvements and aid the City in determining the most appropriate solutions for those locations based on extensive data analysis.
- Help to prioritize local funding available for safety improvements based on highest need.
- Guide the City in applying for additional funding opportunities through the state and federal government to make critical improvements.
The plan and associated materials are intended to be a resource and guide for City staff, partners, and other local stakeholders to work together to achieve this vision.
Read the plan here: