West Nile Virus Found in Licking County

The Licking County Health Department (LCHD) has identified the first West Nile Virus (WNV) infected mosquito in 2023 in a trap set in the City of Newark. LCHD became aware of the results on Friday, July 7. The area in the City of Newark where the trap was set was sprayed for mosquitos on Monday, July 10, as a part of LCHD’s mosquito control program. “It’s not a surprise that we have identified West Nile Virus in the county, but it’s important for residents to take some simple safety precautions to protect themselves and their loved ones,” said Chad Brown, LCHD Health Commissioner. “Be sure to eliminate standing water on your property to reduce mosquito breeding sites, apply EPA-approved insect repellant, wear pants and sleeves when appropriate, and avoid other outdoor activity after dark when mosquitos are most active.”
Keep Licking County healthy by eliminating standing water on your property to reduce mosquito breeding sites. Breeding sites can include tires, flower pots, bird baths and baby pools.
The most effective way to prevent mosquito-borne diseases is to prevent being bitten by mosquitoes. In Ohio, mosquito-borne illnesses are most often transmitted during the warmest months, May through October. There are also several mosquito-borne diseases that Ohioans can acquire when traveling that could be brought back into Ohio: Chikungunya virus, Dengue, Japanese encephalitis virus, Malaria, Yellow fever, and Zika virus. Being aware of mosquito and mosquito-borne disease activity in your area, and areas where you may travel, allow you to take action to protect yourself and others: AVOID mosquitoes and mosquito bites, PLAN ahead for mosquitoes while traveling, and STOP mosquitoes from breeding around your home.
AVOID Mosquitos and Mosquito Bites
Apply repellents on exposed skin that are registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). EPA-registered insect repellents are proven safe and effective, even for pregnant and breastfeeding women.Wear clothing treated with permethrin or another EPA-registered repellent for extra protection.Use products according to label instructions to optimize safety and effectiveness.Don’t spray repellents on the skin under your clothing.Take extra care to use repellents from dusk to dawn.Wear light-colored clothing, long-sleeved shirts or jackets, and long pants to protect against mosquito bites.
STOP mosquitoes from breeding in and around your home
Empty standing water from flowerpots, buckets, barrels, tarps/covers, and wheel barrows on a regular basis.Discard trash such as tin cans, plastic containers and other water-holding containers that have accumulated on your property.Dispose of discarded tires properly. Drill holes in tire swings so water drains out.Replace the water in bird baths weekly.Check and clean clogged roof gutters at least twice annually so they will drain properly.Aerate ornamental pools or stock them with mosquito-eating fish.Clean and chlorinate swimming pools, even those that are not being used.Keep children’s wading pools empty and on their sides when they aren’t being used.Consider using products such as “Mosquito Dunks” that containing Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (BTI), available at many garden and home improvement stores, to control mosquito larvae in containers that are too large to empty. Follow label instructions.Install or repair screens on windows and doors.

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