Breaking News

West Nile Virus Found in Licking County

The Licking County Health Department (LCHD) has identified the first West Nile Virus (WNV) infected pool of mosquitoes in 2024 in a trap set in the City of Newark. The area is near Hudson Avenue and North Street in Newark, and it will be sprayed this evening for mosquitos as a part of LCHD’s mosquito control program. “It’s not a surprise that we have identified West Nile Virus in the county, but it’s important for residents to take some simple safety precautions to protect themselves and their loved ones,” said Chad Brown, Health Commissioner. “Be sure to eliminate standing water on your property to reduce mosquito breeding sites, apply EPA-approved insect repellant, wear pants and sleeves when appropriate, and avoid other outdoor activity after dark when mosquitos are most active.”
Keep Licking County healthy by eliminating standing water on your property to reduce mosquito breeding sites. Breeding sites can include tires, flower pots, bird baths and baby pools.

LCHD’s spraying schedule for the week includes:
Tuesday, July 9
-Village of Alexandria

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